5 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score

Getting a good credit score is part of getting approved for a mortgage as well as a lower interest. Here are some quick things to do to check and possibly improve your score. Before we get started though, the first thing you should do is get your credit report! You can order it free here - https://www.annualcreditreport.com Now that you have your report lets get to those tips! 🤓 1. Check for Errors! You want the report to be clean and mistake free. Check if there are misspellings of your name or addresses. Other things might be duplicate accounts, incorrect account information, closed accounts that are still listed as open, fraud etc! 2. Clean up the Errors! If you found something wrong the next step is to get the errors…
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15 or 30 Year Mortgage?

The 30 year mortgage is the default standard for home owners, but many ask about 15 year mortgages as well. You may have noticed rates on a 15 year mortgage are amazingly low. A lower rate is better right? Well its not quite that simple. Most people of course get a 30 year mortgage. Lets review the pros and cons. The main pros of a 15 year mortgage are the aforementioned lower rate. You are also paying less in interest over the lifetime of the loan. For example a $200,000 mortgage at 15 years with today’s current rates you’d be looking at less than $45,000 in interest. While the same loan at 30 years you’d pay over double that, over $100,000 in interest over the life of the loan. You…
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Higher Fannie Freddie Loans for 2022

There’s some good news for home buyers looking to get a loan through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for the sixth year in a row, the loan limit will increase for almost all counties in 2022. The Federal House Finance Agency (FHFA) said conforming loan limits will increase for most from $548,250 to $647,000 in 2022. That is almost a $100,000 increase in one year and reflects the increase in home prices nationwide. In “high-cost” areas with even higher home prices like coastal California and the NYC area the maximums are even higher, the limits will got up to $970,000 in some of those areas. The limits are based on local real estate prices but as prices went up nearly everywhere the limits almost certainly increased in your county as…
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Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

We are wishing you and your family a joyous, safe and tasty Thanksgiving day 🦃 Spending time with family and loved ones over a delicious meal is one of life's gifts so please enjoy. On this Thanksgiving day we are grateful and we are thankful for our relationship with you!
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Buying A Fixer-Upper – Pros and Cons

The housing market tight in many parts of the country and affordability a big issue for a lot of buyers, so buying a fixer-upper is something you might be considering. We’ve all seen the home make-over shows with amazing before and afters but is it right for you? Here are a few things to consider: 1. Know Your Limits How much of the work can you do. How much time do you have to put into renovations. Are you prepared to live in a work zone for a while 2. Work Out Costs In Advance Have a contractor walk through the inspection with you and get a written estimate for work he would do. If you are doing the work yourself price the costs of supplies, either way add 15%…
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Happy Veterans Days

We want to wish everyone a safe and happy Veterans Day. And to especially thank all the veterans (and their families) who served to protect us.
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Cash-Out Refi or HELOC? 🤔

Interest rates are still at historic lows but may not stay this low for long. With rates low and many owners seeing a rise in their equity, many people are asking about cash out refinancing or getting a home equity line of credit (HELOC). Here is a quick breakdown of the similarities and differences between the two loan types. Both allow you to get cash out immediately and in both cases you are borrowing against the equity in your home. The major differences is with a cash out refinance, you are replacing your first loan with a new one and the home equity loan is a second loan to your existing first mortgage and an additional payment. Cash out refinancing generally has a lower interest rate, as it replaces the…
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Tips For Choosing A Great Neighborhood

Buying the right house for you might be at the top of your list, but the neighborhood is important too. Here are a few tips to consider: HOA and Property Taxes - these can actually vary widely between one area and the next so make sure to check them and if there is an HOA check the rules in advanced! Schools – we probably don’t need to mention this – if you have kids or are planning to, then you probably already have this in mind. Neighbors – this can be a little tricky but it’s a good idea to get a feel for your neighbors. You may want to try an old fashioned hello and ring the doorbell of a neighbor and introduce yourself. Area Attractions – this can…
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Getting a Mortgage If You’re Self-Employed

Being self-employed is great - you're your own boss but when it comes to getting a mortgage secured, its a slightly different process than traditional mortgages. It often comes with additional requirements and red tape. Here are some tips to help you get organized and approved if you’re self employed. Apply for a mortgage when your income is up (we know this is easier said than done) but lenders will look at your last two years income most closely, and if you’re income fluctuates its best to apply on an up year. This can help you qualify for a greater loan amount and lower interest rate. Get That DTI lower, your debt-to-income ratio is one of the key factors in getting approved. So you’ll want to try to pay down…
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5 ways to Cash-out Refinance

If you haven’t heard interest rates are still near record lows. So if you have a mortgage and haven't refinanced in the last year, there’s a good chance you can refinance into a lower rate (generally a good idea :) and may consider getting cash out, so here are five things to consider. First we will start with the pros…. Low Rates and Lower Rates. As we said rates are low now – like really low. And if you’re considering a HELOC or home equity line of credit, rates on a mortgage refi are often lower. So you can lock in a low rate and have lower payments – sounds good right? Debt Consolidation If you have a lot of high interest debt (i.e. credit cards), you can pay that…
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